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 ACG Backup Solutions

The most common cause of a broken computer is a failed hard drive. This can result in the loss of years worth of data, including documents, pictures and movies, unless you have an effective backup.


New computers are cheap and easy to buy, but looking after your data is priceless. Especially if you run a business, regardless of size. Your data is your lifeblood. It is your sales, your accounts, your marketing templates, your customer database, and losing that data can cripple a business completely.


A local backup, using an external hard drive, is the cheapest way of ensuring that you maintain a copy of your data. Another option is to use a backup tape solution, but is the tape being removed each day, and replaced with a new tape? Are the backup tapes being removed from your offices, and taken to a secure location? This relies on delegating someone, each day, to complete that task.


But, have you actually factored in all the possible ways that you can lose data?

A loss of your environment, such as your offices or home, means a total loss of your computers and your backup, if you are using a local backup and not removing the backup tapes.


But it may not even be your office that has a fire, flood or other damage that makes it inaccesible and destroys all the contents.


For example, if your business is located in a strip mall then consider the business neighbors that you have. Are they dealing with any flammable materials? Or, if you live in a condo, are you sure that your neighbors are doing all they can to make sure that they don't experience a common electrical fire?


By using a Cloud Backup, instead of a local backup, it removes the risk of local environmental damage meaning a total loss of data. 

ACG has partnered with Google to bring you a Cloud Backup solution that is both affordable and robust, combining our technical knowledge with Google's resilience and reliability, that ensures your most important data is protected and easily accessible in the event of a disaster.


We offer an encrypted solution, meaning that all of your data is safely transmitted and stored within our Cloud Server Storage. This makes our solution perfect for any business where data is confidential, and we already service industry clients such as Accountants, Manufacturing and Legal.


Our backup client is tuned to your needs, during a free installation and consultation with one of our Technicians. Our Monthly Charges are based on the amount of storage that you require and use, like a data plan for your cell phone, and so we work with you to ensure that only the data you need is actually backed up to the Cloud Storage, minimizing your costs.


At the end of each month, we will send you an invoice showing the data usage and charges for the previous month. However, if you have a budget or limit in mind for the Cloud Backup cost, we can also enable an alert service that warns when you are approaching that level, thereby avoiding any unexpected charges.

For more advanced businesses, our backup software also fully supports Microsoft Windows servers, including Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft SQL Server. (additional charges apply)


Unlike some other cloud backup solutions, our software will support Apple Mac computers. This has proven very popular with our Graphic Design customers, the majority of which are using Apple Macs throughout their business network. It is also geographically independant, meaning that wherever you are in the world you can have confidence that your information is being backed up to a secure, robust storage solution.


Data Restoration is also easy. Simply replace the affected machine with a new one, install our Cloud Backup Client, and select the files that you need to restore!


Would you like to know more?


Call, eMail or come and see us today for a free consultation, and start protecting one of your most valuable business assets, your data.


©2018 by ACG.

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